Chief Director's Office

The Chief Director’s Office is to oversee all operations in the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and consequently, provide leadership.

Ensure vibrant, effective and efficient agricultural sector and maximum attainable goals


Provide effective leadership that will ensure the attainment of the vision of MOFA


In line with the first 5 objectives of MOFA, the CD Office among other things:

  1. The Chief Advisor to the Minister of Food & Agriculture on all policies and other matters related to the sector
  2. Coordinate the development and implementation of appropriate policies in consonance with national development policy strategies.
  3. Establish systems for effective inter-ministerial and intra-ministerial collaboration and cooperation;
  4. Establish systems for effective collaboration and cooperation with stakeholders including development partners;
  5. Coordinate the efficient and effective utilization of all human, material and financial resources of MOFA.
  6. Ensure strict adherence to current laws and any other subsequent laws, regulations and policies.

The sixth objective:


Recommend the disbursement of budgetary allocation in accordance with prevailing financial regulations;

Recommend all leave of absence for Directors and heads of organizations as well as ensure the effective organization and co-ordination of leave of absence within the Ministry;

Request for action programmes and budget from all implementing agencies;

Ensure the establishment, by all implementing, agencies proper codes of conduct for administrative, financial and operational transactions;

Recommend major changes in the organization structures of implementing agencies;

Recommend any actions involving disposal of capital assets; and

Ensure the development and enforcement of an effective system of discipline, effective and efficient system of internal checks and practice transparent and accountable administration within the sector;  and

Supervise Directors and demand accountability on deliverables


If you have a complaint or a comment, you may submit it to:

The Chief Director,

Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Head Office

P.O. Box MB 37


Telephone       +233 (0) 50 916 3727

Email                This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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